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The Insights Program has multiple programs that harmonizes

all areas of life. Areas included are 

health, wellness, nutrition, emotions and spiritually.


More programs are added monthly so be sure to check back.

Chose your favorite from the following.  

Image by Aron Visuals
Caprese Salad

Digestive Calming and Maximize Energy from Nutrition

Do you eat and run? Or eat on the run? Run out of energy at the same time every day? This program harmonizes the digestive organs and maximizes the ability of the body to digest and assimilate nutrition from food. Reduce the stress and increase energy! 

Your health journey begins here today.....

Image by Micheile Henderson

Money Magnetizing Program

Manifestation is often blocked by core beliefs, thoughts and perceptions. This session is designed to help harmonize these brain stem emotions that might be keeping us from achieving our financial abundance. 

Stress Relief and Deep Relaxation

Having trouble releasing your cares and fears?  Calm your emotions with nourishing nutritional and herbal harmonizing frequencies to allow deep relaxation and relieve mental exhaustion.  Experience a feeling of soothing calm and an uplift in mood.

Pain Disturbance Harmonization

Pain is quickly becoming one of the most common complaints in our culture. This harmonizing session focuses on the stress of both short and long term pain pathways and the underlying factors that may be involved in the expression of your pain. 

Peaceful Sleep

Who doesn't need better sleep? If there is just one thing that we can do for overall better health it is to get better sleep. Neurologically, sleep pathways are some of the most complicated and there are many different ways they can be affected including the environment, hormones, food sensitivities and more. This session will help to harmonize these frequencies and allow deep restful sleep. 

Depression Release

Depression can be one of the hardest of neurological diseases to work with because it creates such a void in our desire to change. The effort can literally be painful. Theis harmonizing session reduces stress related to brain areas, pathways, hormones and neurotransmitters without leaving the comfort of home. This allows you to feel more vibrant and engaged which then may instigate more motivation to change other areas that may need support. 

Anti-Aging and Rejuvenation Program

Ladies, enough said.....but more importantly, the aging process can also be involved in illness and dysfunction. This harmonizing session focuses on reducing the stress to keep us our youngest, most vibrant selves!

Image by AbsolutVision

Brain Integration and Cognitive Enhancement    

Everyone can use a little more access to cognitive function and a little less emotional reactivity.  Or a lot….  This program dives deep by harmonizing brain stress to optimize our cognitive abilities, emotional reactivity, memory and mental clarity

Image by Seth Doyle

Inflammation Reduction Program    

Do you have frequent aches and pains? Have you experienced slower recovery after a workout?  Inflammation is the root of most disease.  This harmonizing session will focus on reducing stress with a blend of frequencies that encourage balance and reduce disruptions in many areas that lead to problems like pain, memory loss and gut dysfunction.

Body Measurements

Weight Loss and Supercharged Metabolism    

Weight loss is one of the highest priorities in many people’s overall wellness plans and yet, it can be one of the most difficult to achieve.  As a culture, we tend to focus on the physical side of weight loss including fad food diets and exercise, but weight management also involves quite a bit of energetic balance.  We are often sabotaged by our deep brain stem emotions, core beliefs and perceptions of who we are and what we are worth.  This harmonizing session focuses on helping to balance many of these core issues to help create the environment for long term weight loss success.

Image by Andres Siimon

Break a Habit    

Do you find it hard to break a particular habit?  Do you feel stuck in a pattern that keeps repeating itself over and over? Create a reset, restart, refresh energy in your life.  This program uses harmonizing tones and frequencies to relieve the stress of our subconscious roadblocks.

Image by Natural Chef Carolyn Nicholas

Immune System Kickstart    

Got a cold or flu? Feeling run down?  Aches and pains?  It might be time to reset and renew your body.  Support your body to allow you to relax, rest and boost your immune system. Usually only a 1-2 week program.  Add homemade chicken noodle soup to this one!

Image by Adam Åšmigielski

Immune Resilience    

Need a stronger solution for a nasty virus?  This is a several week program to nutritionally support and harmonize the immune system for a more robust response. 

Image by Aditya Saxena

Emotional Cleanse & Release    

For those who feel overwhelmed, lonely, guilty, jealous, frustrated or angry. These emotions can get stuck in places in our bodies and cause unease. Emotions keep us stuck in a pattern of stagnation.  Releasing those stuck negative energies is the first step to clearing negativity out of your system.  Balance your emotions and experience more calmness, courage and love.

Stressed Man

Home Upgrade, Clear to Create Prosperity and Pleasure    

Feeling stressed at home?  Kids acting up?  Refresh and renew your home with love and harmony.  Remove stagnant energy, restore a positive restful environment, and encourage a feeling of prosperity.

Feet in Bathtub

Home Clearing Program    

Got a neighbor problem?  Bad vibes in the house?  Support and defend your property with these cleansing and energizing frequencies.  This is a stronger, several session approach to clearing unwanted energy from your environment.

Healthy Green Smoothies

Nervous System Healing, Modulate Immune System    

Support the body to recognize common viruses and metal toxins in the nervous system.   Harmonize and reduce stress so your body can repair nerves and also encourage detoxing of stress with emotional, nutritional and herbal frequencies.

Image by Kelly Sikkema

Broken Heart Healing Program    

Romance not going well?  Loss of a loved one?  Harmonize the trauma of the event to ease the pain of loss.  Life can be joyous again. Transform the energy blocks to greater love and harmony.

Image by Austin Chan

Magic Manifesting at Will    

Have a new idea or direction? Want to fulfill those dreams?  Stop sabotaging progress then clarify, align and synchronize your future.  Enjoy an ease to manifesting success, happiness and joy in your life.

Herbal Medicine

Quanta Capsule App

The Quanta Capsule App on your mobile phone allows you to play the harmonizing frequencies at your convenience in the comfort of your home. 

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EZ Health Consulting, LLC

Jacquie Ulm, Pharmacist 

Stress Management and Biofeedback Specialist

Phone # (920) 253-9950

Watertown, WI 53098


The statements made within this website have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. These statements and the products of this company are not intended to diagnose,, treat, cure, mitigate or prevent any disease. 

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